provo is seriously radical
2002-12-17, 4:07 p.m.

last night was fun as jon and i were pretending to be really dumb and the snow was falling and we were listening to ok computer and we got those slc goochers good and jon almost got caught by that one lady that lives above them and then when we got home to suzannes luke and kari and elaine and ryan were still up and it was 4 am! it was a good night and i smashed a snowman and jon kept saying hey to oliver and logan as we drove by the mtc. and also we helped this lady that skidded off the side of the road and she probably thought we were really strange but in a a good way.

also, kelsey gave me and jon bracelets, ones to my knowledge that she use to wear all the time (not now cause we wear them) and that, along with rachelles gift, are the only christmas presents that ive recieved, and two of the best ones at that. seriously. i dont think i will recieve hardly any more from my friends, maybe one or 2 (and this isnt to make others feel guilty, i have yet to give even one) but i just thought it so great that kelsey, who i would consider a friend, but not a great friend (i dont think we know each other enough to be that, although thats lame cause all my friends are great, so they are all great friends, i retract my statement) gave me a present. and rachelles is so great, jobless kris' song is so good, im serious, kris you need to write more. you and morgan should really put out a cds of all your songs you write, i would totally buy it and promote it to all others. of the world.

oh, but i thank kelsey for giving me that bracelet. and rachelle. me and jonathan are going to eat at the morris center tonight. and then im going to see lord of the rings with my bro and sis and rachelle and kristin and jon if he sneaks in.

these are the days. kris' song explains things very well.

have a zoodude christmas.

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