2004-12-09, 2:20 p.m.

i have found another song that i would say fits my top 5.

it is beautiful day. u2.

for some reason the reason this song is so powerful is that it was made by u2. if any other band made the exact song, it would not be as good, cause with u2 more meaning is attached, at least to me. it has a very postive message in it. and while i have never been a huge u2 fan, i like them for what they do, and they are one of the bands that i have known the longest, in terms of buying their music and hearing them from my brothers. they are also a great inspiration i feel to me, not like "man, they raised from nothing" band, but a band that did start with very little, had very few fans, and 20 years later impact millions and millions of people with their music. they are a hope for me that their is something better with music.

oh and those glasses bono wears, you know, the yellow lens ones. he will always wear them. forever. with his music.

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