faded ghosts of my past have come to haunt my future
2004-12-17, 4:58 p.m.

last night i woke up crying. this has never before happened to me before and i am not a big cryer. i cry hard maybe 2-3 times a year, if that, and then small cries (one tear cries) more than that which i experience during movies etc. but last night it was more of a hard cry. i cant remember very well what was happening, but there were a few people that i didn't recall that were with me. older people who i dont think i have meet. i vaguely remember that we were in danger, but not like "the earth is melting" danger, more of intimate danger, lost loves, broken promises etc. just thinking of it has started to make me cry again, but i cant pinpoint why.

has this ever happened to anybody else? does this mean i need psychiatric help? i asked chris and karl and they said that has never happened to them.

to make me feel better i just bought the new kelly clarkson single off itunes "since U been gone." i like it and that is why i bought it. i have found that pop songs usually affect me more than indie sings. in terms of emotioanl content. but that could be debatable.

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