what what!
2005-05-03, 1:22 a.m.

lately i have felt better in various stages of my life. mainly spiritually. in doing so, it has allowed me to be happier.

before when i was not so well (spiritually) and i would get sad or depressed, i would feel it deep down. i would think "this is terrible" but when i would come out of it i would fine again.

but now, since i am better off, when i get sad or depressed, i REALLY feel it, but not in bad way (if that makes any sense). i think i might even enjoy it more than before. because now when i am sad or depressed, it is due to issues such as crushes and school, whereas before i would be sad or depressed about things i was doing that i didn't truly in me heart want to be doing.

and by being a little better off, i am able to notice the difference between sadness and happiness more, which makes me appreciate sadness/happiness more.

i have also been more emotional lately, more prone to crying than i have been before when something touches me. i would not have believed this if you would have told me earlier in life that you feel things more when you are happy. i use to think that being sad and depressed causes one to be more emotional, but i am realizing one can be just as emotional being in a happier state.

karl is trying to date mckenzie! my old girlfriend!

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