star wars to mothership
2005-05-19, 7:32 a.m.

i tend to be extreme in the sense that i am all or nothing. for example, with homework i either don't do it at all and go to class with a sheepish look on my face. or i procrastinate and wait till the night before and cram all i can. i have always been like this. i want to be better and focus a couple hours each day to homework, that way i won't have to wait and go nards out all over the place the night before. but i usually do pretty okay under that pressure, i usually get things done.

i called my parents at four in the morning today cause i knew that they had just seen star wars at midnight. i was up doing the nards out homework.

my parents saw the original star wars 14 times in the theatre. one time they stayed in the theatre and saw it back to back. this is when they had three kids. my sister and i were not born yet (some woud say we were in the pre-existence!) they have always loved movies and i suppose that's where ive gotten a lot of my appreciation for movies from. they liked revenge of the freakerberry alot, but they didn't cry. but i imagine that they came close. cause you know we joke about steven crying, but mainly he cried cause he has seen star wars develop over the past 30 years. and now he saw it end. and then i think how crazy it must be for my parents, who thirty years ago saw star wars 14 times, and now they see the final chapter come to a close. i hope in thirty years i will be watching the final matrix chapter.

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