yesterday was really great. today wasn't as great but still better than it's been in awhile.
2005-06-09, 1:07 a.m.

staying up all night really gives me this feeling of empowerment. since i usually don't stay up all night, when i make the decision to do so, i all the sudden realize the potential that the night has. where before i accomplished nothing (aside from sleeping) i now have 10 hours to do homework, surf the internet, go to smiths, listen to music etc. and when i do homework i don't feel bad taking breaks from it, cause i think "i would normally be sleeping."

someone just called me but it was from a restricted number. i wonder who it was! seriously i really wonder.

lately i have been really into listening to the same song on repeat. i will listen to it anywhere from 5 times (an architecture in helsinki song) to 40 times (i am embarassed to say my cover of an elder haynie song). this is mainly when i am doing my graphic design homework. i really love doing this type of homework, because for one i am on the computer (my favorite!), and for two it is so time-consuming, but in a fun way. this will be the second time i will stay up all night this week due to homework and i shit fuck you not i love it!

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