being alone
2005-07-04, 10:25 p.m.

last night i layed in bed thinking of how alone i felt. the sadness it causes and the tears that it can bring. i was thinking "do we need to be dependant on other people for happiness? and if so why?"

in my state of lonliness, i began to think of others that have felt alone as well. ashley two years ago in huntington beach. hannah in scotland. chris last summer in portland. karl at the beginning of the year. and in a selfish way, thinking of them made me feel better. and i suddenly began to pretend i was playing guitar in a rock band! but seriously come on now (and even though i say seriously come on now at one point i was really pretending to be in a rock band),it made me feel better cause i knew that though i was feeling isolated from everything, there were people who had felt similiar.

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