2005-07-25, 4:21 a.m.

every since i have come back from my motorcyle diary, i have been going to bed at 5 in the morning. or around there. one night i went to bed at around 4:30, another night around 5:30, but for the most part i have gone to sleep around 5AM. on my motorcyle diary i was going to bed around 11 each night.

some reasons i think why i am staying up so late are because 1) i love night time so much. i would say that it is my favorite (though i also love morning time and am begining to appreciate afternoon time.) another is because 2) i am enjoying my time so much from being back that i don't want it to end. so i end up not sleeping till very late (or early). i really am enjoying things so much. things such as:

thinking of jobs
thinking of buying a car
people in general
talking to people about things in general
talking to people about things that really matter to them
relating to people, and if i can't relate that well learning to relate
going swimming
playing sports with friends and strangers
text messaging
the holy trinity of the internet (gmail, myspace, diaryland)
going out to see movies
playing the guitar

i really don't think i could describe accurately how these things make me feel. some may some superficial but know that to me they mean so much, and make me feel so alive.

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