kari jorgensen
2005-08-12, 10:25 p.m.

kari jorgenson is my oldest friend in provo. i met kari at the very beginning of my freshman year at BYU. we had a mutual friend (mcjapaniel). she was the first person i saw and really talked to after my mission. we still talk, just like the good ol' days.
at the beginning of the year kari made a promise to be more brave. and though she says she hasn't been, there have been many times she has, times when i have even noticed first hand! this is really inspirational to me, cause so often i will make a promise but will see it easily fall by the wayside. but she has been brave in many instances, sticking to her promise that she has made to herself. i know one time she was brave and you can ask me and i will tell you in private. that is a promise i made at the beginning of the year to myself. to tell things in private. that was a joke but not a very good one.

don't worry baby, don't worry baby!

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