2005-11-13, 12:18 p.m.

something that i really love is when i am on myspace, and i see alot of my friends online at the same time as me. i love that feeling so much. i am not sure why. i think it's because we are all doing the same thing together even though we are apart (a sense of community, which is something the LDS church, or any church, offers. i have been thinking of that lately). it's a certain sense of belonging, a sense of going forward with people by your side. people who may or may not be different from you, but who have the same purpose as you do. that is why friends are important. that is why people will lower themselves into situations they may not want to be in, because they want to be accepted no matter what. this is why woman take abuse in relationships, why men at work will go along with what there co-workers are saying even if they don't believe it. because everybody just wants to feel loved, to belong, to fit in. to have friends and loved ones who they can be on the same page with, moving in a direction they all want to be going.

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