queen ann
2005-12-29, 11:07 a.m.

last night i was having a hard time falling asleep. this is usually never a problem, as i tend to fall asleep right when i lay down. anyway, as i was laying there, the dark angel appeared to me and whispered

"jeffrey, what have you been doing?"

i responded that i had been using most of my time trying to build better relationships with people, people with whom before i never really spoke to. people that i wanted to be friends with.

he thought of this for what seemed like 30 minutes (but later realized was only 5-10 seconds), then put out his hand, where it landed on my shoulder, and said "well done, my good and faithful servant. for this you will receive blessings without numbers."

he disappeared shortly after that and i was left alone once more. i thought over in my head what he had said, but found that i was only worse off then before. as i layed back down, sweat began to fall from my forehead. five minutes later, i was asleep.

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