2006-03-18, 3:19 p.m.

a movie that i find myself thinking about a lot is downfall. it chronicles the last 12 days of hitler's life and the nazi regime.

mostly what i find myself thinking about is hitler himself. to see him in a movie at the end of his life, with pain and sorrow (but still so much hate), made him more real and human than i had previously ever thought. and to see the people that followed him so blindly, giving their lives to him (and many committing suicide for him and his ideal), has caused me a lot of heartbreak.

here was a man who believed that his ideas and vision were the sure and right thing. to him, the utopia he was creating was exactly what the world needed.

yet he was in in charge of mass murdering millions of people. his ideas caused more damage then any other person in history. he cared of nothing else aside from his vision, even if it meant destroying everything to obtain it. to me, he is the worst evil that has ever existed.

but even with knowing that, i still can not help but feel great sorrow and sympathy for him.

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