my parents house, full of food and candy
2006-05-26, 11:31 a.m.

one of the mixed blessings about being at my parents house is the abundance of food. i usually don't eat that much food when i am living on my own. there is the occasionally splurge, but for the most part i eat well under three meals a day. but when i am here, i can't help but not eat. i will even sometimes eat up to 5 or 6 meals a day (plus snacks). it's a mixed blessing because though i enjoy eating so much here, i don't enjoy the way it makes me feel (fat and lazy). but i am only ever here for about a week, so i don't really mind, since i know i will soon be going back to ramen noodles, moldy bread, and a smoked turkey that has been left in the fridge for three weeks.

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