speeding and the mountain goats
2006-06-11, 8:22 p.m.

i love feeling a bond with people, and there are many different bonds that i have had. one is when i am on the freeway, and i see someone speeding. since i tend to speed, i automatically feel a connection with the person, knowing that we are both in it together ("in it" meaning avoiding the cops and getting to our destination as fast as possible).

another bond i have with people is the mountain goats. i really believe john darnielle is the greatest songwriter living today. yes, his voice is harsh. and yes, he uses a lot of the same chord progressions for his songs. but oh what great songs they are! they are such heartbreaking and inspiring stories, filled with such detail. i would almost rather not call them songs, and instead call them short stories. this is a reason why i feel he will be able make great songs his whole life, since he is more of a writer than a musician, and able to write about a wide variety of feelings and issues (as opposed to many musicians who tend to write about the same thing over and over. and though he does this a lot as well-writing on the same subjects-they seem to always have a new feel and outlook). and so i feel a bond with people who love the mountain goats, because it seems those people get out of his music what i get out of it.

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