burn my skin oh lord
2006-07-10, 1:38 a.m.

sometimes i think very straight. i can think of why i act the way i do, and why i feel the things i do. other times i can't think straight for shit. in these times of unclarity, i hate all that i have done, and all that i have felt. i honestly don't want to be the way i am sometimes, but i can't help it. it is the way i have lived, and the way i will (always) live. i used to not care for the saying of "it is not how you act in a situation, but how you act about it afterwards" but lately have been thinking it to be true.

i like how kari wrote "i am thinking about property destruction." i am also thinking about destruction, but the kind where i burn buildings and souls, and scorch the earth so that we no longer have any of this wretched air to breathe in.

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