finally a real dude
2015-07-15, 12:25 a.m.

now that i don't drink i feel like i've lost my identity. for real. it was such a huge part of my life for so long that even if it was bringing me down and i felt like i was gonna die at least i identified with something (whatever that was).

it really was a 24/7 job.

don't get me wrong i know i've made the right choice, i just feel so bland, like i'm the world's most boring person with nothing of any real value to offer. like why would someone find anything i do interesting? hasn't it all been done before and if it has why the fuck would anything i do be remotely compelling to anyone else?

at least when i was drunk i was that drunk dude. now i'm just a dude. the world's dudiest dude that just dudes it up with his dude self cause other duders and dudettes are doing way more dudier stuff.

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