kids, booze is so lame
2017-03-03, 9:12 a.m.

been sober for 22 months! pretty surreal if you ask me. as with everything the ebb and flow goes highs and lows

i don't have many lows anymore tho, crazy how alcohol plays such a part of depression. like you can say "im depressed man but its not cause of the booze the booze actually helps its just cause life is shit and i am shit."

and its the exact opposite! at least for me.

not to say i still don't get bummed out but its like real life bumshit-not that fake bumshit you get when yer wasted for 70 hours straight and realize you don't have money to keep the poison in yer veins and man because of that you might withdrawal and have a seizure and damn why are people so lame and fuck LIFE IS UNFAIR.

i count my blessings tho, my problems are so inconsequential to the grand scheme of things but they are my problems so you know...

one foot in front of the other

one day at a time

we all put our pants on at the same time

hey everybody look dewey's doing his thang!

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