this is it, this is how we doo doo
2004-12-23, 4:08 a.m.

another song that fits into my top 5 favorite songs (along with beautiful day by u2 and angels of the silences by the counting crows) is

let down

by radiohead. this song is one if not the most beautiful song i have ever heard. you know when chris allman talks on how art/music/nature makes him feel, and how he wants to tell somebody (preferably a girl, and preferably wendy) how it makes him feel, but he can never do so. i forget why he can't.

i feel the same way with this song. it is frustrating in a sense to love a song so much. to know how and why this song moves me. to know the exact parts that make me pretend like i am actually conducting the song. i want others to feel the same love that i feel, and to feel the same emotions that i myself have felt. but nobody ever will. no one person will ever feel the same exact way i feel when i listen to this song, because we all live seperate lives. even if someone said that they loved this song as well, they have had different experiences that have led them to feel that way, some of which are similiar to mine, others which are not.

it is sad to know that this is the case. ashley tells me that this is a good thing, because then there are two experiences that you can draw from. but for once i would like for two people to be joined and feel the exact same in a given situation.

i suppose we will grow to become that way.

but i also take comfort in knowing that for a second, when listening to music, i feel like i understand everything.

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